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“It is cliche to say that she changed my life, even after I was developed into my career. But her message and overall presence was so encouraging, and the biggest blessing in my life. Not only did she have a profound effect on me, but the young ladies in the room hearing her message were truly touched as well. Jillie’s self-love is contagious, and she becomes a huge blessing to everyone she meets.”
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Doing it Scared VIP
Create more magic, more momentum, more movement in your life than maybe you ever have with a community of people doing it with you. You will be billed $88 per month after the first month. ✨A private Facebook group, 2 Zoom Calls, a workbook, a community, real vulnerability and courage, a coach to help you through, and insider videos showing you my process. PLUS a 60-minute coaching call & a Doing it Scared Journal
Bonus Offer
Additional 30 Minutes

A $175 value! Increase your session time to allow for more styling options, a second location, or to further maximize our time together.

By adding 30 minutes to your session, you’ll raise your final image count by 25%. This significant boost in image delivery will provide you with a lengthy gallery full of gorgeous photos to enjoy.

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